Thesis follow-up

© Université Paris Cité
Thesis Director / Co-Director
Individual Comité de Suivi (CSI)
The meeting of the Individual Comité de Suivi (CSI) must be seen as an opportunity for the doctoral student to present his work carried out during the year and his projects, to explain any difficulties he may have encountered in all areas (scientific, materials, relational…). It is also an opportunity to benefit from advice and recommendations thanks to an outside perspective on the progress of the thesis. In addition, the positive opinion of the monitoring committee is essential to allow re-registration in thesis from the 3rd registration.
Terms set by the council of Doctoral School 624
The Individual Comité de Suivi includes at least two people, at least one man and one woman, chosen for their scientific skills in the field of the thesis and who do not participate in the direction of the doctoral student’s work, including at least one .a professor or researcher (possibly emeritus), and one of them must be from outside the student laboratory.
The CSI members is proposed by the doctoral student, and validated by the direction of the ED624.
The CSI provides for an annual interview, in the absence of the thesis supervisor, at the end of which a report is written – according to the form provided by the Doctoral School. This completed document must be returned to the Doctoral School.
The interview may take place by videoconference.
In the case of cotutelles, the CSI committee will be organized according to the procedures provided for in the cotutelle agreement; in the absence of a specific clause, the above terms apply.
CSI Proposal
How to compose your CSI
CSI form
1st year deadline for returning CSI proposals = December 15, 2022
The other years deadline for returning the CSI report = July 15, 2022
The doctoral student must make sure to keep a copy of the form. This will be requested for registration. Indeed, the enrollment from the 3rd year depends on the favorable opinion of the CSI .
International dual PhD programme
The international dual PhD degree programme promotes the doctoral mobility and scientific cooperation. It allows a PhD student enrolling in the first year of a thesis, to carry out his/her research work under the responsibility of at least 2 PhD supervisors (Université Paris Cité – partner university) for the entire duration of the PhD.
What is an international dual PhD degree ?
It is a PhD degree, carried out both in a French institution of higher education and one or several foreign higher education institutions. The PhD student is therefore directed by a thesis supervisor in each institution. The student utimately obtains at least two degrees: one from the French higher education institution and the other from one or several international partner institutions.
IMPORTANT : the international co-supervision for a dual PhD degree agreement can be set up only during the first year of the PhD program in both institutions. Any request/application from a PhD student in a superior year will be refused by Université Paris Cité.
More informations about the international dual PhD degree are on the University website
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